Leanne - People Development Manager

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Say hello to Leanne, our People Development Manager and a course facilitator. Leanne’s area of expertise is improving teamwork and boosting workplace productivity through behaviour profiling techniques.

Using the personal development tool DiSC, Leanne can coach founders and managers on their leadership and communication skills. Identifying how behavioural styles impact their team dynamics.

Undertaking a DiSC assessment can equip founders and directors with a breakdown of both personal skills and weaknesses, leaving all clients with a deeper self-understanding. Our team can then address areas of concern flagged by profiling results during the creation of your Three-Year Plan during 1:1 programmes.

After studying as a Bachelor of Arts at Liverpool John Moores University from 2014-2017, Leanne is a creative and organisational force to be reckoned with. She’s got a heart as relentless as Gary to see the North West thrive.

When you’re ready to build your business and watch it bloom, we’re here.

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